For my latest videos please visit my YouTube channel Â
These are the first eight videos I made. My classics 🙂
The Volunteers
“The Volunteers” is the preface to my book which is taking forever to write.  This short story describes what I believe is happening on the planet.  With my daughter’s input and patience we created this video version of “The Volunteers”. Â
Synchronicities & Reconnecting
with your Higher Self
My life has become a continual flow of synchronicities.  I have no doubt these daily/hourly synchronicities I am experiencing are a “form” of communication/confirmation from my Higher Self.  The less I rationalize these subtle urges away, the more magic and ease comes into my life.
Fear Train vs Love Train
This was my first video ever. Â I created this video because there were so many people freaking out over the Mandela Effect. Â So I made this video to offer another perspective. Â I just wanted to say relax and enjoy. Â We have been waiting a long time for this moment.
“The Mandela Effect” You Can’t Handle the Truth, or Can You
This was my second video. It touches on most of the concepts on my site, but goes a little deeper down the rabbit hole concerning the idea that some of us have volunteered to come to Earth to help others with this awakening, this shift in consciousness that is spreading around the planet.
Are we Living in a SImulation?
I believe we have experiences every day that defy the “Matter Based” understanding we have of our reality.  Does matter create consciousness or does consciousness create matter?  My conclusion is consciousness creates matter.
What Is This “Field”
That Connects Us All?
 You can call it God/Love/Universe/Source/All that is, it doesn’t’ mater. We are all connected by this field of consciousness some people call the matrix.  This video discusses some experiments, information, and stories that might change the way you look at yourself and the world.
What is the Truth?
Your beliefs are the filters that you view the world through.  Whatever they are they will limit how you perceive the world.  It doesn't matter what you believe, the world will always reflect back to you the proof you need to validate your beliefs. Â
ATTN: Old Souls
A friendly reminder to old souls that it’s time to wake up and own who you are and why you are here.  Also to remind you to never dim your light for anyone!